Podcast – Episode 22 – Letter to 2020

Written by Ségolène
Well, this is it!
Today we’re bidding 2020 farewell. I believe many of you have been looking forward to putting 2020 behind. Understandingly so, for sure. But what will you take from this year?
Over the past few weeks, I wanted you all. to think about “Things to take with me for 2021”
We’ve talked about:
- The power of adaptation: connecting to the essence and keeping it alive from one system or situation to the next.
- Voicing as a Physical practice: having that movement awareness in expression to fuel our speech and extend our reach in the art of communication.
- Coming to your Voice and growing into your own power through the example of Circe by Madeline Miller.
- And finally, about our Relationship to Time, and why we should work on healing our connection to it.
Now that you have kickstarted this thought process, perhaps you will find it in you to look at this past year with a different set of eyes.

Let’s not hate on 2020.
It’s nothing but a number, a measure of time. A container of events.
Technically, it’s not the year’s fault. It’s just a year. Aye, this one was full and
memorable for many reasons. But it also pushed us to revisit and reassess
how we’ve been leading our lives.
I’m not trying to diminish anyone’s pain or grief. I’ve had my fill of it too this year.
But I don’t want to hate on 2020. Because blaming a year in my head doesn’t
make sense. And in any case, what will it bring me?
Peace? Nope.
Satisfaction? Nope.
Vengeance of sort? Probably not.
That’s also why this week’s episode is so short. As I advised you to last week,
I decided to gather my own thoughts on this year and adress it directly to 2020.
And now that you’ve wondered here, to this little blog, let me ask you a few things about your year.
You can always comment below, write the answers inside a journal or your favorite notebook…
If you want for your new year to start on strong foundations, so you can build the life you want and share your Voice with the world and your loved ones: I believe it’s important to look at what you’ve gained.
On all levels.
What have you created this year?
Who did you meet that made you laugh, that made you think?
What were the 5 most defining moments of your 2020?
Which people were you the most thankful to have at your side?
What did you work on that you’re proud of?
And finally, if you had 2020, a personification of it if you will, in front of you: what would you say?

Take the time to write it all down. For you. As a memento perhaps. But also as a way of releasing. Of expressing it all, leaving nothing unsaid that could fester.
Whatever happened to you this year, does not define you, your talents, your abilities, your Voice.
If there is any animosity or sorrow lingering: let it out.
You don’t need to carry it all the way to the following year. Let your suitcase be light, and the rest will follow.
A peaceful NYE to you all.
I’ll speak to you soon.
Ségolène xx
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